Recover : Our take-back services dedicated to glazing waste
Get Rid of Your Glazing Waste Easily

Every year in Europe, 11 million windshields are replaced, generating 143,000 tonnes of glass waste. Despite its recyclability, less than 1% is going back to flat glass production!
The goal of our take-back service: Sekurit Circular is to collect the end-of-life automotive glazing from replacement market whatever the brand or model.
Here's what we offer:
- Turnkey Solution: Sekurit Service manages your glass waste for you. Transparency:
- Full traceability of your waste and the environmental benefits achieved.
Sekurit Circular : How does it works ?
We offer a range of collection methods adapted to the needs and configuration of the fitting stations.
Our solutions include:
- Drop-off at our Sekurit Service warehouses.
- Collection at the fitting stations using containers adapted to the volumes of waste generated.
In addition to the logistical solution, we provide a guarantee that the waste will be processed and recycled into glazing products.
Join us and make the change
Where is the Take-Back Service Available?

Our take-back service is currently available in several European countries, including
- France
- Germany
- Belgium
- Hungary
- Sweden
- Finland
- Spain.
We have successfully collected more than 90,000 windshields in 2024 and we aim to improve even further in the coming years. This service continues to grow, reflecting our commitment to sustainability and environmental responsibility.
Benefits for your Business & Environment
Sekurit Circular is simplifying the recovery process - and doing it transparently!
At Sekurit Service, we are dedicated to providing solutions that benefit both your business and your customers. Together, we can drive the transition to a sustainable future.
Together, It's easier
Explore more about our Circularity In Motion campaign :
Repair Instead of Replace: A Sustainable Alternative
Reduce Carbon Emissions with Sustainable Glazing
Recycling Glass, Reducing Carbon: A Commitment to Sustainability